Online Yoga Drop-in Class Pass

If you want to do some regular yoga without all the hassle of having to drive to your nearest gym or yoga studio, find parking, pay for parking… and all that palava… then join me and a host of other fantastic teachers from the comfort of your own home and develop your daily home practice.

There are four options for buying live-streamed online yoga with the Yoga Snug:

  1. You can buy a rolling monthly subscription for unlimited access to all live classes plus the on-demand video library (you can cancel this subscription at any time)
  2. Or you can buy a pass to five live classes
  3. You can buy a pass to 10 live classes
  4. You can just pay the drop-in price for a single class



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Just want to try out a single class at The Yoga Snug? No problem. Just go to the schedule, choose the class you want to attend and buy a pass for just that class.

Why do live online yoga? So many reasons!

  1. Establish a regular yoga practice without all the hassle of having to drive to your nearest gym or yoga studio, find parking, pay for parking… and all that palava…
  2. Do it all from the comfort of your own home
  3. Share your practice with others
  4. Make new friends!

There are four options for buying live-streamed online yoga with The Yoga Snug, your virtual yoga sanctuary:

  1. You can buy a rolling monthly subscription for unlimited access to all live classes plus the on-demand video library (you can cancel this subscription at any time)
  2. Or you can buy a pass to five live classes
  3. You can buy a pass to 10 live classes
  4. You can just pay the drop-in price for a single class




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